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The training centers of Gbis Academy at Dinh Cong area: Talent Kid kindergarten, . . .
The training centers of Gbis Academy at Thinh Liet area: Hoang Mai, Little Sun, Morning Star 40 & Nightingale kindergartens.
The training centers of Gbis Academy at Dai Kim urban area: Kidsacademy, vietnam - america, Little green bamboo, Golden lotus kindergartens.
Add: No 71, Lot 5, Den Lu 2 Urban, Hoang Van Thu Ward, Hoang Mai Dist, Ha Noi Tel: +84 046 672 0123 Hotline: 0945 246 456 Mail:
Children education of practical life skills is not about gaining in one-day time, but it’s about orientating, consolidating and improving within a long period of time. In order to achieve best results, the strong associations between school, family, teachers and parents is a must
Life skills gathers a lot of psycho-social skills and personal communication helping people making based- decisions, communicating effectively , developing self- handling skills and managing themself in order to enjoy a healthy and effective life.
Life skills should be educated for children in the right time; 6-years-old becomes “golden time” to maximize children’s potential and quality. Through experiments and observation, two Sweden professors, Hiddink and Langal concluded: Learning at an early age not only stimulate but also change the composition of the brain , causing brain cells to grow more complex , which can create high- quality brain cells , fostering so smart people. "
Music & song programs for “Spring Fair 2016” event at all cooperative kindergartens has been planning.
Gbis Academy planned to organize Music & song programs to welcome “Merry Christmas 2015” event at all cooperative kindergartens.
Gbis Academy sets up 3 training centers at Kindergartens: Morning Star 101, Fairy Land & Talent Kid.
Dạy gì? Trong thực tế, ngay từ khi chào đời, trẻ đã học cách thích ứng với môi trường ở từng giai đoạn. Những kinh nghiệm và kích thích khác nhau tạo ra lộ trình mới trong não bộ – trí nhớ. Từ khi trẻ có thể bước đi, nói chuyện và bắt đầu tương tác với môi trường của chúng, bạn có thể thiết lập để dạy cho trẻ những kĩ năng sau đây:
comprehensive practical life skill courses for kids
Children education of practical life skills is not about gaining in one-day time, but it’s about orientating, consolidating and improving within a long period of time. In order to achieve best results, the strong associations between school, family, teachers and parents is a must
Life skills gathers a lot of psycho-social skills and personal communication helping people making based- decisions, communicating effectively , developing self- handling skills and managing themself in order to enjoy a healthy and effective life.
Intensive life skill development course
Life skills should be educated for children in the right time; 6-years-old becomes “golden time” to maximize children’s potential and quality. Through experiments and observation, two Sweden professors, Hiddink and Langal concluded: Learning at an early age not only stimulate but also change the composition of the brain , causing brain cells to grow more complex , which can create high- quality brain cells , fostering so smart people. "