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Life Skills

Intensive life skill development course

05:53 - 19/01/2016
Life skills should be educated for children in the right time; 6-years-old becomes “golden time” to maximize children’s potential and quality. Through experiments and observation, two Sweden professors, Hiddink and Langal concluded: Learning at an early age not only stimulate but also change the composition of the brain , causing brain cells to grow more complex , which can create high- quality brain cells , fostering so smart people. "

GBIS Academy’s training and comprehensive life -skill development programs aims to develop children comprehensively from their early years on the 4 aspects : intelligence , movement , emotion and communication. Together with the foundations of basic skills cultivated from the program, depending on the skills and abilities of each child , parents may continue to choose other intensive life- skill development courses.

These intensive life skill development courses for children at kindergartens and primary schools include:

  • “MC skill” course
  • “Prep into grade 1 for children” course

MC skill course

1. General introduction

" MC skill " course for children at the age of 6-12 years old gets children into the habit of thinking creatively, quickly ; equips confidence in speech , appearance and style as well as forms in them boldly , firmly right from a young age .

Beside, in this course, children will be able to express smoothly, seamlessly. Children’s joviality , humor is stimulated; thenceforth, the children are aware of expressing feeling standards in specific circumstances. On the other hand, children have ability of using body language and fostering skills of listening attentively and communication as well as problem solving skills ...

2. Course objectives

“MC skill” course was built towards the following objectives :

  • Practise skill of fast memorization, mastering situation and coping with questions together with problem timely. Since then, children are able to apply in studying at school.
  • Get children into the habit of communicating in order to enhance self- confidence of children.
  • Help children express themselves in front of people,  promote them pursuing of radio careers and MC and form bravely conversation and professionally presentation style.
  • Practise communication skill attracting audience
  • Stimulate children’s humor
  • Help children apply  vocabularies in different cases flexibly and confidently communicate with those around them .

3. Candidate

- Children from at the age 6- 12

4. Program content

The course runs for 16 sessions , 60 minutes for each session , 01 session/ week ( 2 periods). After completing the course , children are able to build programs as a professional MC .

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to MC
  • Lesson 2+3: Voice skill
  • Lesson 4+5: Acting skill
  • Lesson 6 + 7 : Interview and handling situations skill
  • Lesson 8 + 9 + 10 : Editor Skill
  • Lesson 11+12: Stage manners- I am No.1.
  • Lesson 13+ 14: Animator and fascinating audience skill
  • Lesson 15+ 16: Test

“Prep into grade 1 for children” course

1. General introduction

Stage from pre-school to Grade 1 is considered the crisis of children psychology , if not overcome, there would impact negatively on children’s learning outcomes. Why?

As moving learning environment , children probably face new habits. Apart from the provisions of routine in class,  children must learn and build relationships with teachers and friends , which makes children anxious , scared , even shrinking into themselves; therefore, they daren’t to express themselves. Parents attach exaggerated importance to learning different subjects prior to grade 1. Is it really necessary? At this stage, if the parents pressure children into learning too much prior to grade 1, they'll get uninspired. Official lesson at primary don’t make them excitement as well as stimulate their curiosity and creativity. It is necessary for parents to equip children with the basic skills in order that they could confidently enter the new environment. “Prep into Grade 1" couse of GBIS Academy for 4-6 years- old children aims to practice basic skills for them in order to confidently enter Grade 1. The course familiarizes children with new environment, teacher and friends without anxiety. Children express themselves as well as build good relationships with others at ease.

2. Objectives

The program " Prep to Grade 1 " was built towards the following objectives :

  • Equip children with the basic knowledge about acquaintance , communication skill, self-defence skill and discipline in the classroom .
  • Help children express themselves in academic and build good relationships with others confidently.
  • Have ability of solving situations occuring in the relationship with teachers, friends wisely.
  • Creating preconditions for the acquisition of knowledge.
  • Take shape children’s character.

3. Candidate

- Children from at the age 4- 6

4. Content

The course runs for 16 sessions , 90 minutes for each session , 02 sessions/ week.

  • Session 1 : Greeting skill , self- introduction
  • Session 2 : Classroom Discipline .
  • Session 3: Sitting in correct posture
  • Session 4: Thankfulness skill
  • Session 5: Apologize skill
  • Session 6+7: Self- service skill
  • Session 8: Regulations in “ask- give”
  • Session 9: Courtesy in eating
  • Session 10+ 11+ 12: Polite in communication
  • Session 13: Safety with foreign body
  • Session 14: Safety in traffic
  • Session 15: Comportment in lost
  • Session 16: Self- defence with kidnapping and blackmail